Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Book Retell I Have Chosen The Hobbit By J.k. R. Tolkien

For My book retell I have chosen The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien. It takes place in the fictional land of Middle Earth, where Elves and dwarves roamed the lands and much darker creatures too, such as Trolls and Goblins. Our tale starts off like this. In a hole in the ground, there lives a Hobbit. Hobbits are a simple folk who rarely wander beyond their little town of Baggend. They are no taller than a human child, but they eat like giants. They love eating so much, they have seven meals a day. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. They have a mop of curly hair on there head and big furry feet. That brings us to the main protagonist, Bilbo Baggins. Throughout the story he is accompanied by Thirteen dwarves, lead by Thorin Oakenshield, and the wizard, Gandalf the Grey. There are many antagonists in this story including goblins, trolls, elves, and even humans, but the main conflict is with Smaug, the fire breathing dragon, who has st olen Thorin s kingdom. Hobbits in Baggend rarely have anything close to an adventure, since they would have to leave the comfort of their warm hobbit hole. Bilbo Baggins, never in his wildest dreams, would find himself hunting dragons next to dwarves and wizards. However, one day, while he was smoking his pipe of tobacco, he heard a knock on his gate. It was Gandalf. He wondered if Bilbo wanted to take part in an adventure. Bilbo quickly urged the wizard away saying he wanted nothing to do

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